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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Broken Pipe Floods Wauconda Business Overnight?

7/16/2024 (Permalink)

A broken pipe sprays copious amounts of water. We respond to commercial water damage emergencies 24/7 in Lake County.

Our local Mundelein and North Wauconda teams are highly trained and certified to restore commercial water damage quickly and efficiently. A broken pipe can cause significant flooding in a business overnight due to the continuous water flow from the breakage. Here’s how it happens:

Initial Break: The pipe may break for various reasons, such as freezing temperatures, corrosion, high water pressure, or physical damage. Once the pipe is compromised, water begins to escape uncontrollably.

Unattended Flow: Since businesses are often unoccupied overnight, the water continues to flow unchecked for hours. Without someone to notice and stop the flow, the water accumulates rapidly, spreading throughout the premises.

Water Spread: Water from the broken pipe follows the path of least resistance, seeping into floors, walls, and ceilings. Depending on the location and severity of the break, it can travel to adjacent rooms and even different levels of the building.

Damage Escalation: As the water spreads, it can cause extensive damage to structural elements, furniture, electronics, and inventory. If not addressed promptly, carpeting, drywall, and insulation can become saturated, leading to further complications like mold growth.

Business Disruption: By morning, the business may face significant water damage, requiring immediate cleanup and restoration. This can disrupt operations, leading to potential revenue loss and expensive repairs.

Call Us Today!

When your commercial business or home in Wauconda has a water damage emergency, our local Mundelein and North Wauconda teams are Here to Help. ® Call us today at 224-372-7064.

SERVPRO® franchises are independently owned and operated.

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